Rainbow gay pride face paint

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Doors are open to all for an afternoon of music performances, games, storytelling, art-making workshops, community discussions, and more. from Addison to Grace St., Chicago, Ill.īlack of Center: Juneteenth Block Festival, New York Cityįor one of its first in-person Pride events since 2019, The Center is hosting a festival to celebrate Juneteenth, focusing on Black LGBTQ artists, storytellers, businesses and vendors. Saturday and Sunday, rain or shine, from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Performers include “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” winner Alaska Thunderf-k, “Pose” star Dyllón Burnside and Chicago-born rapper CupcakKe. The traditional street festival will feature artists performing on three stages, drag shows, DJs, giveaways, over 150 vendors of arts/crafts, food and drinks and even a pet parade.

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Organizers for this year’s festivities are expecting more than 60,000 Pride enthusiasts from the city and beyond to celebrate LGBTQ life, culture and community. Free, registration required, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Individual sponsors and volunteers needed. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided to all participants free of charge.

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This free, annual event in North Texas offers a safe space for LGBTQ youth and their families to meet new friends, participate in fun activities, score cool goodie bags, and simply be who they are. LGBTQ Saves Youth Pride Picnic at Trinity Park, Fort Worth, Texas

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