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Quickie Sex power trap threesome anal oral submission 64 Votes 64 Score 4.86 4.86 13.4k Views 13.4k 1.0k. Stories Forum Groups Gallery Chatroom Webcams Login Join Now Home. Or alternatively, you can grab the eBook or audio book. Listen to some of our most popular written stories in high quality MP3 audio recording. Originally published in 2013 by the now-defunct indie outfit Topside Press, this stream of consciousness road trip novel is finally being paid its due as a foundational text in the canon of trans literature: in addition to the book’s reissue in the US with Farrar, Straus and Giroux, the UK publication with Picador will mark its first international release.

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Which, also, are constructs,” Maria says in the book. “Eventually you can’t help but figure out that, while gender is a construct, so is a traffic light, and if you ignore either of them, you get hit by cars. Frustrated, she hijacks her ex-girlfriend’s car and sets out west from Brooklyn, causing chaos in her wake and musing on the social conditioning of gender with a great deal of personality, charm, and irreverence. Nevada is the story of Maria Griffiths, a punk hero and disaster gay simultaneously dealing with a break-up, job-loss and impending homelessness.

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